Old Timer, Me?
school where I now teach.
Today was the 45th annual Eastern Motorcyclist Old Timer's Banquet. Quite a few Mac-Paccers were in attendance as well. Beautiful day great temps. My mother likes to come to this banquet every year, she is 79 and really an old timer. She was riding her own Indian Warrior in the 50's when she met my father. Her brother was also there. I drove down to get her yesterday and then took her to the banquet and home today. All told about 300 miles on the car and 8 hours driving, but it was fun and Mom really had a good time, so it was worth it. Scary part is I now know about as many of the old timers as she does, so maybe I am an old timer. Crap.
racer which won "People's Choice" award
50th Anniversary Edition Triumph Bonneville
Another veiw of Stan's race bike.
1947 Indian Chief Roadmaster Chief. This is the real deal folks!
Note the Mac-Pac member Bill Z. drooling on the bike.
in this shot. Sounded a lot like my old Toyota 4 cylinder.
The company invested all their capitol on a factory and produced this. They lasted about a year when consumers failed to flock to dealers to spend $35,000 on a Harley Clone.
I predict the same fate with the current attempt to revive Indian.
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