Happy New Year!
2008 was a great year, and a horrible year all wrapped in one. The year started riding on a high, my grandfather had just been inducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame and my wife was pregnant with our second child. Then the clouds arrived. On the 7th of April I was given a choice at work, be fired in disgrace (not warranted) or resign. So I resigned. On April 11th our second daughter Anna arrived.
Anna is exactly the kind of baby that we needed to have at this very stressful time of our lives. Her birth was easy (even my wife says so) and she is very easy to get along with. At 5 weeks she was sleeping through the night. Our friends called our child, “the Baby that never cries”. She does cry, just not in public. But like I said she is an extremely easy to get along with baby.
Her older sister Jacklyn was assessed for the gifted program at school, and got in with flying colors. The girl is smart, scary smart. MENSA smart. But its not just book smarts, she can noodle things through as well. That’s a great skill to have in life.
I was able to get a job, back in the classroom teaching Biology, and I am loving every bit of it. The kids can be challenging but hey, that’s their job. They try to make me quit, and I try to get some knowledge into their brains. They have not succeeded yet, but I would like to think that I have, just a little.
So this year 2009 has a lot more promise. As always the year started with a Mac-Pac lunch at Michael’s in Douglasville, PA. The food was OK, but the company was better. Truly an all-star cast of characters was there, including many time National Champion and former Fastest Man on Two Wheels, Chris Carr. He will be trying to regain both titles again this year. He is a very nice guy and a welcome addition to our little gathering.
The front door of the quiet eatery known as Michael's.

A couple pics of the roads are thrown in as well. Berks county municipalities use a lot of gravel and sand mixture when the weather gets nasty. Twice in the last two week we had ice events and so lots of this junk has gotten put down. As you can see it has not been cleaned. You do not want to get a wheel on this stuff in the middle of a curve. I took a few back roads, but significantly lowered my pace and just picked my way through the nasty bits.
This road is a ton of fun in dry and optimal conditions. As you can see that's not today.
It was COLD. About 21 degrees Fahrenheit when I went to give the bike its pre ride check over. So cold that my air compressor flat out refused to compress air until I took it inside to warm up. It can be a bit of a Prima Dona, but its nothing compared to the drill press.
I wish you and yours a wonderful and Happy New Year.
I wish you and yours a wonderful and Happy New Year.
Dear Sir:
It was pretty cold on New Year's Day, but I think we have become spoiled to a degree with the winter weather we've had in the past couple of years. Dick Bregstein and I rode right though January last year, with some perfectly balmy days in December.
But now, even if things warm up a bit, the cinders and gravel on the road are a bit of challenge. Dick and I agreed yesterday that it could be March before we get out again. And if each weekend arrives with a touch of ice and road crud, we ma be grounded until they actually sweep the roads.
I'm glad you whipped out a camera and started taking pictures in the diner. You were my inspiration to take pictures outside.
Congratulations on having such a smart daughter. And good luck in your new job. With any degree of luck, 2009 will be better for all of us.
Fondest regards,
Jack Riepe
Twisted Roads
5:19 PM
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