Wrenching Sunday...or
How many Mac-Pac members does it take to change a light bulb? Well, we shall find out. Saturday night Jack put out the call that he would have donuts and coffee because he had some "wrenching" to do on his K75. I perked up right away. Wrenching? Cool. See the Mac Pac advertises itself as a "Eating and Wrenching" society, but in reality most of the guys just wrench. Last year I held a "wrenching" day at my house and had one other guy show up. All the others were out eating I guess.
I left home with a vision of a spline lube or at least some other major service taking place. Maybe we would change all the fluids and then adjust the valves. Maybe install some aftermarket goodies. I was bound to be a bit disappointed.
The start time was 9:30 but due to helping get the girls ready for church I was a bit tardy and arrived around 10 ish. There was no one else there. Jack came out to great me and we chatted a bit and soon Matt P. arrived, followed quickly by Dave H. In the picture below you see Matt casting dispersions upon Dave's choice of ride.
Next in was Jim R. on his bicycle. He lives close by and is going green. Rounding out the group was Rolly B. We swapped lies for a bit and then went out to the garage to wrench. It seems that Jack's tail light was burnt out and it needed to be changed.
Here is Jack explaining the problem slowly to Jim and Rolly. "See went I turn the key on this bulb doesn't light up."
Jim shows Jack the proper way to remove the taillight from a K75. Of course we had our theories about the job. We were all sure that had the Spoonmaster been there he would have scowled and snarled viciously that we were doing it all wrong and then beat upon us with his fancy signed spoon.

Rolly confirms Jack's idea that this device is indeed the tail light.
Out comes the taillight assembly. But of course we didn't have the bulb that was needed. Jack said he would run out and get one on his own. He was fairly sure he could handle the job. This just left the question. If a job does not involve a wrench, is it still considered wrenching? I am fairly sure that Jack will ponder the question at the next lunch meeting.

Rolly confirms Jack's idea that this device is indeed the tail light.
The was no derision involved! I bet Dave didn't just spend 90 minutes out in his garage testing ignition coils, so it's not like I can throw stones.
6:57 PM
Dear Mr. Clauss:
The sad truth of the matter is that I have grown to like the members of the Mac-Pac so much, that I am reduced to offering them candy to get them to stop by.
Mac-Pac members come to donuts like yellow jackets to an open bottle of beer. I was delighted just to have you gentlemen drop by. Of course, it can be argued that I arranged to have the donuts and cheese strudel to simple avail myself of the great Mac-Pac expertise.
As for Matt Piechota's assertion that no derision was involved, five pairs of eyes rolled like ball bearings in a race when I pointed out the nature of the trouble.
Actually, the presence of you guys helps me get motivated. The truth is that there are days-- like most of them -- when just going out to the garage is exhausting.
Thank you for posting the details of this little event.
Fondest regards,
Jack Riepe
6:55 PM
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