Of Bald Eagles and BMWs

It was quite a weekend. Started out by camping at a near by camp ground called Eagle's Peak. Very nice and a lot of fun with good friends and family. But no Eagles. Then on Saturday we had a neighborhood block party which was a lot of fun. While I was cooking burgers on the grill I looked up and spotted three soaring birds. At first I thought they were the common as all get out Turkey Vultures, which I see every day. But I watched them for a minute or two and then I realized that in fact they were Bald Eagles.

There are four ways to tell them apart from a distance. The first is the head and tail being white, but the closest was a juvenile and so it didn't have that coloration yet. Another is size, Bald eagles are big, but Turkey Vultures can be big as well, so you can go by the head shot. Looking at a vulture head on you can see a distinct V shape in the wings and body. Eagles and hawks are almost flat across the top as you can see in the shot above. The last way is speed. Although the three that I watched did not flap their wings once they are visibly faster than other soaring birds. Baldies usually do not hang out long, and true to form these were gone in minutes, but I enjoyed it while I could. Amazing and beautiful animals to watch.
Sunday was the third Sunday so it was time for the Mac Pac Breakfast. Lots of bikes and people gathering for a meal and the swapping of lies. When was the last time you saw 3 K1100 RS bikes in a row?
More bikes on the other side of the barrier. We make the Gold Wings park there. Ha!
Dear Mr. Clauss:
Now for the real story...
I wouldn't have gone to breakfast if Joe Sestrich and Andy Terrill hadn't left me the note. I got up at 5am for a 7am meeting .5 miles away, and didn't think I had time enough to shower. That's how slowly I move some days.
But I got out to the garage, and I got on the bike, and you know what happens next. It's that feeling. Anybody who has read the story I wrote about will realize that breakfast was a total pisser. And they usually are.
Your pictures were so good, I posted an addendum to my blog and directed my readers to yours.
Fondest regards,
Jack Riepe
7:04 PM
I found your site through Jack's addendum.
I look forward to the return of the Bald Eagles to my neck of the woods here in the Pacific Northwest.
They come down here from British Columbia to enjoy our "Mild" winters and feed on the Kokanee (landlocked salmon) in our lakes. I'm looking forward to the photo opportunities.
I love the BMW's, especially the airheads. I guess it takes one to love one, eh?
12:41 PM
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