Christmas 2009
I hope your Christmas was as full of joy as ours was. Enjoy the pictures.

Here is the Clauss and Rivera wives and Children with Gammie

Tristan Sang in Church (spiffy top-hat too!)

Jacklyn sang next

Christmas morning, early around 6 AM

Anna likes her bathtub crayons

Jacklyn empties her stocking

Anna just likes holding everything

Anna likes unwrapping

Jacklyn got something Fancy Nancy

It's a bus! It's a book! It's a bus AND A book!

Gee I wonder what Santa got Anna?

Nope, I was wrong!

Jacklyn loves her Fancy Nancy doll

And upon opening her Crazy Coupe (Best selling car in the US ever) Anna was done.
She opened several of her presents in the car, and even ate in the car.

She read a book in the car

She relaxes in the car
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