This is a blog about nothing in particular. I am no one special, other than the fact that we are all special in one way or another. Along the ride we will talk about life in general, motorcycles, music, kids and other fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A nice post.

The last post was a way downer. This one is a little less so. New Years Day 2007. It wasn't a particularly nice day. It was rainy and misty, downright foggy at my house, but the Mac-Pac has a New Years lunch near Pottstown every year. This year "The world's Fastest Man" on two wheels came, Chris Carr. He is a really nice guy. He is a 7 time National Flatrack Champion. He used to race for the Harley factory team but now he owns and operates his own team. He ran Bonneville as a hired gun, and went 354+ miles an hour. I bought a tee-shirt and he signed it, and he allowed me to get a picture with him. I am the taller guy, I am only 6'1" so you can tell he is not the largest guy. I can not tell you what a great way to start the year it was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know 354 mph was possible on a motorcycle. Road rash is bad enough on a bicycle! ;-)

10:37 AM

Blogger John said...

Well it is a fully inclosed streamliner bike. Not saying that it is "safe" but road rash would be the least of your worries if you crashed that beast. Here is a link to the website: [url][/url]

6:24 AM


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