Well, there was a weekend

Spending 6 hours on the PA turnpike in 2 days, not fun
This past weekend flew by, but not really in a good way. So busy, so much to do, and little time to do it. Friday night we loaded the munchkin in the car and went to visit my mother in the hospital. My daughter has been asking pretty much daily when she could go visit "Granma Clauss" and of course while she was in the ICU we couldn't take her. Well on Wednesday they moved her to a PCU room, and so Jacklyn could go down. We didn't tell her until we where almost there because of the "are we there yet?" syndrome that sets in. Jacklyn was a little shy of my Mom, but they talked, and she drew her pictures. I think it was good for both of them. We drove the 1 1/2 home and put the little one to bed.
Saturday. My wife had "Quilt Guild" so Jacklyn and I did some stuff around the house. I put together her sand box and we got sand for it. Jacklyn helped with the bolts and washers and holding the wrench on the nut while Daddy tightened it. She is good at it, and very cute. Then she played in the sandbox while I took the snow plow off of the tractor and put the mowing blades back on. It was well after 3:00 my wife called and had me drop off the kid at her Mom's so I could go visit my Mom. I did, but I went back up to the house and got the motorcycle. Yeah the turnpike sicks, but on a Saturday afternoon its not so bad. More miles for the mileage contest, and I saw a Mac-Pac member West bound while I was East bound. Mom was asleep when I got there, and tired so I did not stay too long, then I rode home. Had leftovers for dinner at the in-laws and then watched the NASCAR race.
Sunday. Early church, Sunday school and the start of late service so Jacklyn could sing in the Cherub choir. My wife ran off to do errands during Sunday School and I hung out and socialized with church friends. Then Jacklyn stayed at my in-laws while my wife ran off again with her Dad and sister. I went home and did laundry and cleaned the house a bit. We did cook on the grill for dinner, and that was very nice to be able to do again.
Well thats about it for the weekend, nothing to exciting. We did decide to tell Mom about her brother's death on Tuesday. Not looking forward to it, but we need to do it.
I hope that your mom handles it much better than you are all expecting. Alix enjoyed meeting her on Sunday!
8:50 AM
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