This is a blog about nothing in particular. I am no one special, other than the fact that we are all special in one way or another. Along the ride we will talk about life in general, motorcycles, music, kids and other fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Other people

You know, work would be fine if som much of what I did didn't depend on the performance of other people. Other people suck at their jobs, and of course when they don't do what they are suppoesed to do, it my fault. Of course it is, it really is. Maybe I am just cranky froma lack of sleep. At midnight my wife sent me to the store for some decongestant because she couldn't sleep. Thats fine, but after I got home I was all wired and I didn't get back to sleep til after 1:45am. I get up at 5:30 btw. So I didn't get a whole lot of the zzzs and I am suffering. But that really doesn't chage the fact that other people suck, they still do.


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