Tuesday, tuesday, tuesday

This morning as I was leaving the house there was a flock of Wild Turkey standing in the middle of the road. Two males were in full display, something I have only seen pictures of, vying for mating rights to the 5 or 6 females. They were so intent on intimidating each other that they didn't notice my car until I honked the horn. Very impressive. I am glad that humans can do more than flash feathers to attract a mate, there is some thing to be said about intellect. while the physical show is impressive in the end we all kind of look like turkeys stripped of their feathers, not a pretty sight, and then its best that we really like what is underneath the feathers. Done pontificating.
Heros was wonderful last night, great way to come back after the hiatus. I am a big fan of that show.
I have spent my entire day in a meeting. Yikes. Not fun, not intellectually stimulating . Almost fell asleep once, which would be a problem, big time, my bosses are sitting 10 feet away on my left.
Driving down to Mom again this afternoon. The driving is not bad, but it does get tiring. I have the turnpike between Morgantown and Willow Grove memorized.
I've never seen wild turkeys. Cool that you have em near you!
I like how you compared their ritual to humans. Sadly, it seems plastic surgery is becoming an obsession for our superficial society. I refuse to watch shows that are focused around it. Elective surgery is stupid.
My sister watches Heroes. I will have to TiVo and check it out.
I hope all goes smoothly for your family this evening.
12:30 PM
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