This is a blog about nothing in particular. I am no one special, other than the fact that we are all special in one way or another. Along the ride we will talk about life in general, motorcycles, music, kids and other fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bicyclists and Harley riders

Sunday morning was fun. I was driving to Church by myself as the wife and child went earlier to Sunday School and I stayed home to watch the Monaco GP. On the way down the mountain I came to an intersection that is normally cut by car drivers, but at this time it was filled with a pack of about 12 bicyclist. All clad in their spandex and helmets, totally ignoring the rules of the road. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid running over the pack of brightly clad morons and their response is to yell at ME! I had my windows down, so I made it clear that I was not the one in the wrong and if they could not tell their right from their left they should stick to bike paths. I am sure I made no impression on the pack of idiots, but at least I felt better by venting.

Speaking of venting. Saturday I went on the Great Centralia Cook Off (See previous post). The riding was great, nice twisty roads and a good vigorous pace. Off course at one point our group encountered a group of three Harley riders. I have been riding for 36 years and I can spot a good rider from a bad one a mile off. All three of these bozos had little to no skill handling their bikes. Every sweet curve was an exercise of slamming on the brakes in order to avoid running over them. Harleys can handle just fine if you know how. These guys did not know how. It was painful watching the helmetless, t-shirted Milwaukee clones trying to come to grips with their bikes.

I have very little respect for a motorcyclist that does not wear a helmet. I have tried it once at a Rally and hated every minute of it. There was no freedom for me, it was frightening. I just ordered a new helmet today. Cost is always an issue with helmets, the better you get the more expensive they are, however there are bargains to be found out there especially on the interweb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do me a fav and talk to your cousin about wearing head gear! He has done plenty of "short errands" sans head protection. I got furious after the second time and told him that if he keeps doing it he will find flat tires on his bike! He still goes to buy cigs w/o it. Guess he is willing to be an organ donor.
His buddy even gave him an earful about it.
The whole "it could never happen to me" attitude is unwise. I just hope to God he's right.

3:05 PM

Blogger John said...

I guess I could talk to him about the whole going to buy cigs thing too? :0)

I quit that habit 9 years ago when my father passed away. Now just sniffing the smoke gives me a headache, of course if I get just a tiny wiff it still smells good.

6:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha. You can't talk him out of smoking. We've all tried!
I quit about 12 years ago, at age 22.
I don't miss it! It mostly stinks to me and I wonder how I ever used to smoke 1/2 pack a day. Once in a while a small wisp of smoke smells slightly tempting.

10:39 AM


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