Weekend roundup
Wow, what a busy hectic weekend.
Saturday I had committed to help a member of the Mac-Pac motorcycle "club" move. So did a bunch of other guys. The old house was in New Hope PA, close to 100 miles from home. Saturday being such a beautiful day and not needing to bring anything but me, I rode the bike. I took backroads because the turnpike went way south of were I needed to go. It was a nice ride, but took longer than I thought and I got there about 1/2 after the rest of the guys. Well by that point the house was empty. I got to carry a lamp and a box of records to the truck, and that was it.
So we mounted up our respective rides and headed to Sellersville and the new house. Eastern PA traffic stinks on a Saturday and we wound up sitting at traffic lights and such. The bike and I got hot, but it was for a good cause. We got to the house and I parked among the other 7 bikes there. The horse trailer and pick up got emptied first, then the big box truck, then the pick up. I less than a 1/2 hour we had it all unloaded. Many hands make light work, and we weren't tripping over each other either.
Other members of the "pac" had set up food on the back patio and so we got to sit and relax and tell lies to each other for a while. Fun was had by all, even the "movees". I left around 1 to go visit Mom at her home. Then blasted home via the Turnpike and got there just as the rain drops and thunder and lightening got there, 6 pm. Mileage for day 215 miles. Nice. I say that I blasted on the Turnpike because I was averaging about 80 mph. Meanwhile people were flying by me in the fast lane. Below are some pictures:
First - The chaos of moving day

The yard of the new house. How would you like to see this at your neighbor's house when they move in?

Then the mad rush to get stuff off of the truck.

Finally we are all done and get to relax. I am the one in the middle with the Oscar the Grouch shirt. Don't let the two guys to my sides fool you, they both got there too late to actually help in the move, but they helped dispose of the food!

Mother's Day was nice. Church, home for lunch and then my wife used her gift, a slushie maker. She is very happy with it, and so are the munchkin and I. We did some yard work and planted some replacement plants for the ones we lost due to late frost. Then down to the in-laws for swimming. The daughter and I went in, the wife was chicken. The water was warm, but the cool air made it chilly, esp when you got out of the pool. All in all a great day.
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