Bifocals, er "progressive lenses"

Today I enter old age. well, not really, but in a few minutes I will be going to pick up my new glasses, which are fitted with Progressive lenses. For those unfamiliar with the term progressive lenses is the new description of bifocals. I started noticing about Christmas time that I was having trouble seeing close up. Reading was becomeing an issue. I went through denial for a while, but not too long, I really am not that vain. I have been wearing glasses since Junior High, so its not the glasses thats the issue.
I remember my father cursing his bifocals all the time. Dad was once of those guys who could fix most things. He did almost all of the car work. This involved getting under the car on his back. Well when you are on your back your close up parts of the glasses are in the worng place, upside down if you will. I suggested to him one day after a long cursing diatribe "Why not get them to put in your lenses upside down next time you get glasses". He laughed and said that he wouldn't be able to see the rest of the time. At which point I said "No, not on your new glasses, on the OLD ONES" The light bulb went on and he did that, no more cursing, well at least about the glasses anyway.
I am actually looking forward to getting the glasses. I will be able to get back to modeling. I have a sweet kit of a racing Porcshe that I am working on, but it was too difficult to paint the little parts, once I have my glasses all should be good. Have a good weekend!
Update: Picked them up, my god these things are weird. Its gonna take a while to get used to these puppues.
Here go have some fun Yankee or Dixie
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