This is a blog about nothing in particular. I am no one special, other than the fact that we are all special in one way or another. Along the ride we will talk about life in general, motorcycles, music, kids and other fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Our little way of screwing the oil companies. . .

My wife and I are fed up. On Monday it cost us $70 to fill up her Aztec and my little Mazda 3. So I looked at her and said "Lets carpool". So yesterday we did. I drop her off at her school, then my daugther at daycare, then to my work. In the afternoon I picked her up, then the munchkin, then we took her to dance class. Normally my wife takes her and I go home. I did that duty in the fall when my wife was teaching a college course, but we both hung out at the mall. They are nearing the recital date and so we can't watch the 5 year olds immitating ballerinas. So we sat out at the food court. My wifes Mom picked her up and they went to a church thing and I took my daughter home.

In all I figure we saved about $10 in gas on that one day. We car pooled again today and will do so every day. Really it is not that inconvienient for either of us, and if we can continue with it we can save a small fortune.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Environmentally, socially and financially smart solution. :-)

12:51 PM


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