3 Fawns, 2 Foxes and a painted kitchen

Yesterday moring we looked out the back window of our house only to see three fawns hanging out in our backyard. One was walking towards the house and came within feet, before my daughter moved quickly in the window. Then they all took off.

Just the day before we were standing on our front porch watching two young foxes playing in the street in front of our house. It was the middle of the day, which is unusual, but they looked healthy and ran when a car came. That was kind of funny, because there are the three of us out on the porch, and I have my bioculars staring at the road. The driver waved, we waved back.
Yesterday I finished painting the kitchen. We had done on wall last summer. I did the other three in a contrasting color. It looks good, and I am glad it is done.
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