This is a blog about nothing in particular. I am no one special, other than the fact that we are all special in one way or another. Along the ride we will talk about life in general, motorcycles, music, kids and other fun stuff. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Schools Out For Summer

The school year has ended. But here I sit in a school, doing in-service. Anyone stupid enough to say that teachers get the summers off is not worthy of intelligent conversation. I basically spend all summer long getting ready for the next school year.

My lovely wife and daughter left today for their "family" vacation. With them are my mother-in-law and my sister in-law and my nephew who is 2. They rented a minivan which they packed with stuff and off they went to Virginia and North Carolina. When setting the whole thing up they forgot about Father's Day weekend. When I was akid Father's day was a big deal. Every year we went to New Hampshire to camp and then watch the motorcycle races at the conclusion of Bike week in Laconia. It was funny to see my father conversing with Hell's Angels and Warlocks that he knew from the shop. He did not really like them, but they were customers so he dealt with them. Now that my Father is gone I ache all day on Father's day. Right now I am getting misty over it.

So to distract myself I am going to paint the garage. I figure I should also lose about 10 pounds because I tend not to eat. Not that I am too lazy to cook, but I get busy doing stuff and before I know it the whole day has passed and I haven't eatin a thing. When I was single it was not uncommon for me to go a whole weekend only eating dinner on Saturday night when I was working at the video store.

Back to work.. .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's it a family vaca w/o big daddy along?

You're going to paint the garage?! How exciting! YUM, a guy who does home improvements w/o his wife there to coerce and beg him into it. hehe

Alone on dad's day? Hope your father's day is relaxing and fun. Take some time to do something that you really love. Celebrate yourself! And what a good dad you are, since you obviously had such a great one as an example!

9:05 AM


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