The Berks County Covered Bridge Tour

Mac, Brad and Lee chatting in the parking lot of the PFD. We had three K RS bike, 3 GS, a Suzuki Bandit and a Yamaha R bike (not sure of the size of engine) The guys were, Mac, Mack (Yeah, two macs in the mac-pac imagine that!) Brad, Mike, Lee, Corey and John besides myself.
Mack rode down from West Orange New Jersey to join the ride. He is also known as the world's oldest BMW rider. There is a rumor going around that he is 174 years old. He would neither confirm nor deny that rumor.
The weather quite honestly sucked as we left. It was wet, spritzing to heavier drops. All this on the promise of a beautiful day. Imagine, weathermen being wrong. Here is the first Bridge, not far from the PFD.
A nice shot of Lee's lights as he comes through the bridge.
Picture time!

Stuck in traffic on 222. I tried a "short cut". The back roads were much better.

Kutz Mill Bridge. A lot of these bridges looked very similar. Probably the same Pennsylvania Dutch builder.

See what I mean. This bridge is in a Park, so it can not be ridden across, but it is nice to get a good look at it.

The crew arrives for the grub.

Either Brad's back hurts or he is doing a good ape imitation.

Tara's famous "Chicken Wing Dip" was goobled up in no time flat. It has a new name however, we will now refer to it as "Crack" due to its addictive nature. A good time was had by all. We will do it again sometime and hope for better weather.