My wife and I took the kids to the Lehigh Valley Zoo today. Its a nice enough little zoo with lots of shade which was nice for sure on a hot day like today. We get in free because we are members of the National Zoo in D.C. We were taking back roads when we came across the sign above. I told my wife to get a picture of the sign but she was looking at a different sign. She saw it and took the pic. We decided that on the way back from the zoo we would search this Megalopolis of Claussville, PA down. Minutes later we came across my very own road!

The village sign. Hey, I wonder if they are in need of an idiot? Spelled wrong here, which is odd.

Every Megalopolis needs a Business Center and here is ours. Sure it was the ONLY business we saw in the village, and its half empty, but hey, its Claussville Baby!